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Geography at North Wootton Academy


At North Wootton Academy we believe Geography is an important part of the curriculum that engages children’s minds to wonder and investigate the world around them. We intend for our pupils to be local and global learners who have a strong understanding of UK, European and the International world. We encourage them to be open-minded about the world on their doorstep as well as the far-reaching corners through sharing an appreciation for cultural diversity.  

This document outlines the expectations of our Geography curriculum and can be used alongside the Geography curriculum overview to inform planning, teaching and assessment.  


Our Geography curriculum, underpinned with geographical and environmental knowledge, develops key observational and investigatory skills in our pupils. We use plans provided by the Primary Knowledge Curriculum, although the progression of these many alter due to our mixed classes. We place a high importance on children developing skills in ‘Field Work and Investigation’ as well as ‘Map and Atlas Work’. As children progress through the school years their knowledge builds as does the content for the skills, as shown in the accompanying document Geography Curriculum Overview. 

Key skills within Geography at North Wootton Academy include: 

Field Work and Investigation 

  • Observe, measure, record and present the human and physical features of the local area 

Map and Atlas Work 

  • Use a range of methods to record mapping knowledge which locates countries and their features 


  • Informed knowledge of local and global countries/continents and geographical features and how these physical aspects may change overtime 


Within Geography, we aim to provide investigative learning opportunities to support children in gaining coherent knowledge of understanding of each unit of work covered throughout the school. This is assessed through multiply choice quizzes, written pieces or an end of unit task. In addition, the school tracks key skills such as mapping, which are recorded through the use of rubrics.

Curriculum Overview

Geography Overview - Reception to Y6

Key Progression

Whole School Geography Skill Progression


Geography Policy 2024-25

Geography Curriculum Outcomes, Links and Why!