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Science at North Wootton Academy


Through teaching Science, we aim to provide our pupils with the foundations to understand the world around them through questioning, investigation and progressing through the three elements of science. 

At North Wootton Academy, Science is about enabling our pupils to experience and observe phenomena in the natural and man-made world.  They are encouraged to be curious, ask questions about what they observe and should be helped to understand scientific ideas by using different types of investigation to answer their own questions. 


Early Years Foundation Stage : 

Exploration is vital to learning Science and in EYFS  at North Wootton Academy Science should be a practical experience. 

EYFS Assessment and evidence gathering: 

Science is taught under the umbrella of ‘Understanding the World’.  Pupils should be learning scientific knowledge and vocabulary whilst‘working scientifically’ appropriate to their developmental age. Any work is recorded in Understanding the World books and assessments are carried out regularly. 

Year One to Year 6 Science Curriculum: 

Year One – Year 6 use the PKC knowledged based curriculum which is closely aligned to the National Curriculum for science . This programme of study has six lessons per unit and is delivered via PowerPoints. At the start of each unit children are given a knowledge organiser and three questions which they are expected to be able to answer at the end of the unit. Further evidence of understanding is determined by completion of a multiple choice quiz. 

All years should plan six practical investigations per year (one per half term) in which children build on practical skills. These investigations are linked to rubrics. 

All children are given an opportunity to complete a greater depth challenge. 

Evidence of work for Years Two to Six should be in children’s Science books.   


Impact is measured by the marking of books against carefully adapted tasks. All results from the MCQ are recorded, ½ termly. Rubrics are used to assess investigation skills. A sample of children from each year group will be questioned every half term in a knowledge harvest/ pupil voice. 

Curriculum Overview

Science Overview - Reception to Y6

Key Progression

Whole School Science Progression


Science Policy 2024-25