English at North Wootton Academy
At North Wootton Academy, we endeavour to create a love for literacy and the creation of texts for a purpose. We want every child to leave the school with the skills of an excellent writer who:
Has the ability to write with fluency and has an author’s voice;
Thinks about the impact they want their writing to have on the reader and knows how they will achieve this;
Has a sophisticated bank of vocabulary and an excellent knowledge of writing techniques to extend details or description;
Can structure and organise their writing to suit the purpose for which they are writing and include a variety of sentence structures;
Displays excellent transcription skills that ensure their writing is well presented, punctuated, spelled correctly and neat;
Re-reads, edits and improves their writing so every piece of writing they produce is to the best of their ability and better than the last.
This is completed within a daily lesson (for most classes) with a writing purpose being the focus of at least three weeks of study. The starting point for most units will be a model text in which pupils can identify the key structures that may be used within a particular piece. Key writing techniques are then explored to ensure pupils develop a strong understanding of these in isolation before creating an extended piece of writing that aims to include these. Wherever possible, the writing purpose links directly with a general topic or key reader of that term in order to provide context for writing and wider opportunities to write across the curriculum. In addition, grammar and spellings are taught discretely, linking directly with the home learning for that week.
The impact of the teaching of writing is assessed through the evaluation of Key Performance Indicators which are set for each year group. These are known by the pupils and in Key Stage 2 are used for self- assessment. All assessments are judged termly through a data validation process in which data, books and teaching are reviewed by the subject leader and discussed with each teacher to ensure an accuracy in assessment. All SEND, EAL and pupil premium champions track these cohorts specifically on a half termly basis and conduct pupil progress reviews twice yearly. With regard to SEND, this may involve the reviewing of their progress on NAP steps as required for pupils two years below the expected level.
In addition, spelling and grammar is tracked termly through weekly and termly testing and used to correlate judgements with the data validation process. Termly whole school moderation is also completed with inter-school moderation taking place at least one a year to ensure the validity of our judgements.
Within the EYFS, key milestones have been identified across the year and these are used to assess the children’s progress towards meeting the ELG for writing; this enables the more timely identification of any gaps that need addressing.
Curriculum Overview
Writing Overview - Y1/2 Year A
Writing Overview - Y1/2 Year B
Writing Overview - Y3/4 Year A
Writing Overview - Y3/4 Year B
Writing Overview - Y5/6 Year A
Writing Overview - Y5/6 Year B
Key Progression
Writing Fluency Guide for Parents/Teachers